Thursday, April 28, 2016


Lots my job, time to draw

After sticking around far longer than I should have quit - the game company I worked for going from 100 people, down to 50, down to 30, down to 12.... and finally FINALLY when they were going down to 5 people - I finally got let go.

So its time to draw seriously and get my abilities up to snuff to work professionally as an artist/animator.

I think one of the main requirements to be a good 2d artist and animator is to be able to draw people well - so that's my focus right now. Draw people in all poses, getting good, and building up a mental library of all the poses and angles so when I sit down to animate them I can draw them correctly.

I'm spending some time copying other people's art, analyzing how they handle eyes, noses, proportions, emotions, line weight, etc - and I won't be posting those here - it's not MY art, its just a lesson practice to help advance my skill and learn.

What I WILL be posting here is my personal drawing - my reddit gets drawn sketches, my figure drawing sketches, my ideas, etc. Hopefully this will be a good catalog of my growth and show that my practicing diligently will HOPEFULLY pay off.

He'e I'm posting some drawings I've done over the past week and will start off as a jumping off point for this self-blog.